Allen's Blog
February 14, 2020
I can Bear-ly believe It
Well, I suppose I deserve the reputation of being rather wordy in my Blogs. Fair enough. So I am going to make this one short, and let the pictures do the talking. These photos are of a new development being built on the corner of SR 46 and International Parkway in Seminole County between Lake Mary and Sanford. This particular lot has always been heavily wooded, and I believe includes some depressional wetlands. The warning sign that this is bear habitat has been there for years--and legitimately so, for this region of Seminole County is known as imporant bear habitat. There is both an irony and a disturbing reality reflected in these picture. I am not going to editorialize, but rather let you contemplate the messages offered through these images.

Heavy construction activity on a previously wooded corner lot SR-46 and International Parkway, Seminole County. Note yellow "bear sign" in background

Do you sense the irony of this picture? Could it be anymore obvious?

I bet the Indigo Snakes really appreciate the State having these signs reminding the Contractor of their threatened status.